Composite Designers Ltd Secures Innovate UK Funding to Pave the Way for Net-Zero Construction Materials

[Cambridge, 19 June 2023] – The decarbonization of the construction industry poses significant challenges, driven primarily by two factors: the substantial resource demands in building construction and the lack of carbon-neutral materials. In an exciting development, Composite Designers Ltd, has been granted funding by Innovate UK, the esteemed UK innovation agency. This financial support will enable the company to showcase the feasibility of manufacturing net-zero construction materials.

“Buildings are currently responsible for 39% of global energy related carbon emissions: 28% from operational emissions, from energy needed to heat, cool and power them, and the remaining 11% from materials and construction” as summarised by The World Green Building Council. The UK construction industry alone produces approximately 11.4 million metric tons of CO2 each year. The industry faces a pressing need to reduce its environmental impact and transition towards sustainable practices. Traditional building techniques require vast amounts of resources, placing a strain on our planet’s finite resources. The absence of carbon-neutral construction materials hinders progress towards achieving carbon neutrality in the sector.

Recognizing the urgency of this challenge, Composite Designers Ltd has successfully secured funding from Innovate UK, a prestigious organization dedicated to fostering innovation and driving positive change. This investment will empower Composite Designers Ltd to spearhead the development and demonstration of net-zero construction materials.

Read the full Innovate UK announcement here:

Net-zero construction material sample
Carbon neutral construction material sample

Funded under the Transformative Technologies call, Composite Designers Ltd will embark on a groundbreaking endeavour to replace traditional kiln fired clay bricks and concrete blocks. By utilizing bricks bonded with innovative no-bake binders, we eliminate the need for energy-intensive firing processes and significantly reduce carbon process emissions. Additionally, we replace silica (sand) aggregates, which are becoming increasingly scarce, with alternative fillers that possess carbon storage potential based on recyclates. The company’s innovative approach will focus on manufacturing construction materials that generate zero carbon emissions throughout their lifecycle, thereby significantly reducing the industry’s carbon footprint.

Not only will our construction materials boast exceptional carbon credentials, but they will also be carefully assessed for processability. This promotes a seamless integration of our products ensuring compatibility with existing production plants, propelling the industry towards resource efficiency. We are confident that our out-of-the-box development approach to this global civil engineering challenge will not only transform the industry but also enhance the resilience of the UK sector against external factors.

The grant from Innovate UK serves as a resounding endorsement of Composite Designers Ltd’s pioneering vision and commitment to sustainability. With this financial backing, the company aims to prove the feasibility of their net-zero materials and pave the way for widespread adoption within the construction sector.

“We are delighted to receive the Innovate UK funding, which will enable us to accelerate the development of net-zero construction materials,” said Dr Frank Gommer, Managing Director at Composite Designers Ltd. “This funding is a testament to our dedication to sustainable innovation and will support our mission to drive positive change to tackle the climate crisis. We believe that our cutting-edge materials can play a vital role in achieving a greener, more sustainable future.”

Through their ground-breaking efforts, Composite Designers Ltd aim to inspire and lead the sector towards a future where net-zero construction materials are the norm, ultimately mitigating the industry’s environmental impact and accelerating the transition to a carbon-neutral built environment.

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About Composite Designers Ltd:

Composite Designers Ltd is a composite materials consultancy, dedicated to developing sustainable solutions and materials for a greener future. The company specializes in developing cutting-edge net-zero solutions that aim to reduce carbon emissions and promote a more sustainable built environment through excellence in engineering. With the support of Innovate UK funding, Composite Designers Ltd is poised to revolutionize the construction sector and drive positive change in the pursuit of decarbonization.

Innovate UK logo

About Innovate UK:

Innovate UK drives productivity and economic growth by supporting businesses to develop and realise the potential of new ideas. They connect businesses to the partners, customers and investors that can help them turn ideas into commercially successful products and services and business growth. Innovate UK funds business and research collaborations to accelerate innovation and drive business investment into R&D. Their support is available to businesses across all economic sectors, value chains and UK regions. Innovate UK is part of UK Research and Innovation. For more information visit here